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藏品介绍 中文名称:大泉五十,货泉

英文名称:Big spring fifty, cargo spring

规格:二枚 类别:杂项 品相:九品


王莽(前45年-23年10月6日),字巨君,魏郡元城县(今河北大名)人,西汉权臣、政治家、改革家, [1-2] 新显王王曼第二子、孝元皇后王政君侄,“新朝”开国皇帝,公元9年1月15日至23年10月6日在位。 [3-4]



货泉是最常见的一种汉代钱币,它是王莽天凤元年(公元14年)第四次货币改制的产物。货泉从天凤元年起一直流通 到东汉光武帝建武十六年(公元40年)。材质为青铜,尚见有铁质和铜夹铁者,钱文为悬针篆,泉中竖笔断开,(货泉饼者字纹多平夷,铸造粗劣)。



英文翻译:Ancient money. Although daquan 55 was cast for only 13 years, it was the currency with the longest circulation time and the largest quantity of COINS in the wang mang xin dynasty. "Daquan 50" looks like a single type, but its version is not more, rich in connotation, in recent years there is a new variety, especially back with decorative patterns, auspicious language and animal patterns found very much.

Heavy money began in the wang mang period. Heavy wheel layout of the "big spring 50" in addition to the characteristics of the double contour, the text is also very characteristic: its "big" word like flying house swallows, like the top of the swallow head by double lines, under the extension of twists and turns like flying wings, skimming like tails; The top of the word "spring" is wavy (non-heavy wheel products are generally flat) like the word "mountain". Stamping the outline of the false weight wheel money, text without this feature.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: big spring 50, goods spring

English name: Big spring fifty, cargo spring

Specification: two pieces

Category: miscellaneous

Product phase: nine products

The picture above is a wang mang coin, daquan 50, large characters like flying swallow, the whole body of green rust, for stick to the bone green rust, rust from the inside out, tightly adhere to the money, just like the rust out of the bone, identified by experts to replace the original,

Wang mang (45 -- 23 BC, October 6), styled "big prince", was born in yuancheng county, wei county (today's hebei daiming). He was a powerful minister, politician and reformer in the western han dynasty. [3-4]

Wang mang was once an important member of the weijun wang family in the western han dynasty. In the court known as the name. The first year of decai youshuo (AD 9 January 15), wang mang han jianxin, jianyuan "build the country", build the ugly (change the han calendar in December for the first month), announced the implementation of the New Deal, history known as "wang mang restructuring.

During the reign of wang mang, the world was in chaos. On the 23rd of September of the 4th year of the emperor of the earth (AD 23), the green forest army invaded chang 'an. Wang mang reigned for 15 years and died at the age of 67.

This coin patina nature, considerate bone patina, metal particles are remarkable, and the so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, also some people to hand wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of money, like to coin a layer of protective film on the plating, is money no longer oxidation, facilitate collection handed down from ancient times, if feel money is dirty, can wash, reoccupy cloth wipe, do not destroy the wrapped slurry, destroyed the wrapped slurry is equivalent to destroy the protective layer, more important is the wrapped slurry is the most simple and effective method for identification of new and old COINS. Look closely at the three COINS perfect, no knock, damage, deformation and so on is not much of the collection of grade copper COINS, suggest collection, handed down.

Zhenquan is one of the most common COINS in han dynasty. It is the product of the fourth currency reform in the first year of wang mang tianfeng (AD 14). Cargo spring from the first year of tianfeng has been in circulation to the eastern han emperor guangwu jianwu 16 years (AD 40). Material for bronze, still see iron and copper iron, qian wen for the suspension script, the vertical pen in the spring broken, (goods spring cake of the word grain more flat, casting coarse).

Wang mang's monetary reform was a failure, but mang money made excellent, "money" the first, for the future. "Goods cloth" and "goods spring" are the representative works of COINS in the later period of wang mang.

The western han dynasty from emperor liu che yuan kai five years have been cast five baht money. After wang mang usurped the power, he was disgusted with liu's family name. Because liu's traditional Chinese characters were composed of three characters, "gold" and "dao", it was taboo to avoid such characters. Ancient pronunciation "spring" and "money", because money as the same as the circulation of the spring, so officially "spring" instead of "money".

After wang mang usurped the kingdom of liu han, he exercised a tyrannous rule in politics, and at the same time, he used the method of reforming the monetary system in economy to cast high and greatly reduced COINS to capture the wealth of the people. Wang mang made money in a variety of ways. He carried out four currency reforms and issued more than 20 currencies. These coin conversion is very difficult and the ratio between each species with other product, terms are very reasonable, so that the circulation is few, is rare today, appearance beautiful is more rare, no ke is short of this coin, deformation, destruction, natural oxidation, surface with patina, its appearance is still beautiful, is a rare collection of COINS, the coin as follwed period, has a very high value, historical research and economic collection value, is a daughter to pre-empt a treasure is hard to find.